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Issue 2-2013 / 2013

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This issue is devoted to the 7th International Foster Care Research Network Meetingheld in Padova, Italy, on September 9-11, 2013, in collaboration with Fondazione Zancan, International Association for Outcome-based Evaluation and Research on Family and Children's Services (iaOBERfcs), and Fondazione Paideia.

Foster care: specific issues and experiences


Outcomes and life courses of children taken into care

authors: Heidi Pohjanpalo

keywords: child welfare, child protection, outcomes, life course, society’s custody

Fostering adolescents: how to recover the relationship with the mother thanks to another woman’s help

authors: Gemma Beretta and Germana Cavallini

keywords: adolescent girls, mothers, link/relationship, association

What school means to young people in foster care in Sweden

authors: Lena Hedin

keywords: foster youth, foster care, education, adolescents

The challenges for family foster care of children in the Province of Bolzano: trend analysis 2005-2012

authors: Sabine Krismer

keywords: Autonomous Province of Bolzano, trend, foster care, needs, challenges

Motivation for foster care

authors: Skrallan De Maeyer, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Femke Vanschoonlandt, Marijke Robberechts and Frank Van Holen

keywords: foster care, foster parents, reasons for fostering, motivation

Tie caring in the context of fostering

authors: Marianna Giordano and Chiara Capasso

keywords: foster care, family ties, protection, supporting project, maintenance

Efficacy of a Flemish foster parent intervention for foster children aged 3 to 12 with externalizing problems

authors: Femke Vanschoonlandt, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Skrällan De Maeyer and Marijke Robberechts

keywords: externalizing problems, foster parent intervention, randomized controlled trial

Experiment on a bilingual cross cultural approach in a foster care situation: an access to childhood’s memories (segregated systems) of maternal grandfather’s foster care family

authors: Fabrizio Gori

keywords: experimental bilingual approach, cross cultural, parental foster care, caregiver, segregated systems, internal object

Disinterest of child protection for kinship care in the north of France

authors: Bernadette Tillard and Lille University

keywords: family foster care, child protection, France

Constructing grounded theory focused on youth’s rights in residential care

authors: Eunice Magalhães and Maria Manuela Calheiros

keywords: residential care, children’s rights, grounded theory

Participatory planning: Involvement as an outcome

authors: Massimiliano Ferrua

keywords: community home, participatory planning, stakeholders involvement

Vulnerable young people in Israel: Their stories about transition to adulthood

authors: Anat Zeira

keywords: care leavers, transition to adulthood, qualitative research, israel

Overview of programs aiming to increase the involvement of birth parents in foster care

authors: Marijke Robberechts, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Skrällan De Maeyer and Femke Vanschoonlandt

keywords: foster care, parental involvement, birth parents

Preventing child placement through the help between families. The experience of family helpers in the program P.I.P.P.I.

authors: Marco Ius, Sara Serbati, Diego Di Masi, Ombretta Zanon, Adriana Ciampa, Raffaele Tangorra and Paola Milani

keywords: vulnerable family, intensive home care program, family helper

Family relationships in a sample of non relative foster families from Madrid: The representation of the family «confines» and the place of the birth family

authors: María Teresa Díaz Tártalo

keywords: non relative foster families, biological family, special needs, family relations

Foster care in Portugal. Evidence of the present, challenges for the future

authors: Paulo Delgado, João Carvalho and Vânia S. Pinto

keywords: foster care, child care, outcomes assessment, Portugal

Foster care as outcome strategy of deinstitutionalization process in Croatia

authors: Antonija Zizak, Ivana Jedud Boric and Ivana Maurovic

keywords: deinstitutionalization, foster care for young children

Changes in the nature and sequence of placements experienced by children in care in England and Wales 1980-2010

authors: Roger Bullock

keywords: child placement (or placement of children in care), historical trends, use of residential and foster care

down: 5

24 September 2010

Relational assessment and case planning

authors: Gerard Bellefeuille

keywords: assessment

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