Pubblications for keyword: Outcome
Traumatised children’s view of their social world: the application of the Social Network Map for children who have experienced abuse and neglect
authors: Annette Jackson, Margarita Frederico, Carly Black, Jane Harrison, Trish McCluskey
keywords: Australia, measure, network, abuse, neglect, outcome
Moving from a general to a personalised model for the evaluation of outcomes: Perspectives from international research
authors: Tiziano Vecchiato
keywords: evaluation, Italy, experimentation, research, personalisation, outcome
Effectiveness of an intervention program focusing on the adoption of abused or neglected children: An outcome study
authors: Genevieve Pagé, Michel Carignan, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Sylvie Normandeau
Comparing costs in evaluating services for severely troubled children and youth in care
authors: Lisa Holmes, Harriet Ward
keywords: United Kingdom, foster care, children, care, costs, outcome, treatment
From foster care to independent living. Qualitative micro-research on outcome evaluation of children’s permanence in a family-type residential setting
authors: Gianmaria Gioga, Sara Serbati
keywords: Italy, evaluation, outcome, foster care, children
Evaluation of care pathways for 0-6 children placed in residential care
authors: Paola Milani, Vera Da Rin, Cinzia Canali, Giorgia Zara, Claudio Roncoroni, Marco Ius, Paola Baglioni
keywords: Residential, children, vulnerable, removal, evaluation, outcome, Italy, family
Late outcomes for siblings reared in long-term placement in Children’s Villages
authors: Annick-Camille Dumaret, M. Constantin-Kuntz, P. Donati, and M, Crost
keywords: foster care, follow-up study, outcome
Contextual practice in residential care: the Cano projects
authors: Hans Grietens
keywords: Belgium, outcome, residential care