Pubblications for keyword: Foster Care
Why foster care placements breakdown? A study into the factors influencing foster care placement breakdown in Flanders
authors: Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Sofie Coussens
keywords: Belgium, breakdown, foster care, behavioural problems
Developments in adoption and foster care practice in the Netherlands
authors: Anneke J.G. Vinke
keywords: Netherlands, foster care, adoption
Overview of programs aiming to increase the involvement of birth parents in foster care
authors: Marijke Robberechts, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Skrällan De Maeyer and Femke Vanschoonlandt
keywords: foster care, parental involvement, birth parents
Foster care in Portugal. Evidence of the present, challenges for the future
authors: Paulo Delgado, João Carvalho and Vânia S. Pinto
keywords: foster care, child care, outcomes assessment, Portugal
Motivation for foster care
authors: Skrallan De Maeyer, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Femke Vanschoonlandt, Marijke Robberechts and Frank Van Holen
keywords: foster care, foster parents, reasons for fostering, motivation
Israeli youth in foster care: who are they and what do they need?
authors: Anat Zeira
keywords: leaving care, foster care, israel
What school means to young people in foster care in Sweden
authors: Lena Hedin
keywords: foster youth, foster care, education, adolescents
Entrusting or Caring: care pathways in Italy
authors: Cinzia Canali and Tiziano Vecchiato
keywords: perspectives, poverty, legislation, foster care
Family stress and behavioural problems in kinship and non-kinship foster care. Report of a Flemish study
authors: Frank Van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Charlotte Haarsma
keywords: Belgium, foster care, family, stress, behaviour, problems