Pubblications for keyword: Leaving Care
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Israeli youth in foster care: who are they and what do they need?
authors: Anat Zeira
keywords: leaving care, foster care, israel
Formative and Summative Evaluation of a Program to Facilitate Transition from Care in Israel
authors: Rami Benbenishty, Anat Zeira, and Alexandra Magnus
keywords: israel, leaving care
Leaving state residential Care in Bucharest: what supports and hinders the transition
authors: Roxana Anghel
keywords: leaving care, early outcomes, preparation
How do the child welfare services in Norway work with young people leaving care?
authors: Inger Oterholm
keywords: leaving care, child welfare
Exit from care - developing a perspective
authors: Jan Storø
keywords: young people, construction, leaving care, transition
Yippee - retaining young people from care in post compulsory education: a five country study
authors: Sonia Jackson and Claire Cameron
keywords: cross-national research, social inclusion, leaving care, further education
A structural analysis of young people leaving state care in Victoria, Australia
authors: Philip Mendes and Badal Moslehuddin
keywords: affirmative action, leaving care, structural disadvantage
The transition to adulthood for young people leaving public care: developing an international research group and the challenges of comparative work
authors: Mike Stein, Emily Munro
keywords: United Kingdom, comparative research, leaving care
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