Pubblications for keyword: United Kingdom
Evaluation of the outcomes of secure accommodation in Scotland
authors: Andrew Kendrick, Moira Walker, Aileen Barclay and Lynne Hunter
keywords: United Kingdom, outcomes
Emotional well-being and mental health of looked after children in the UK
authors: Colette McAuley
keywords: children in care, emotional well-being, mental health, mental health services, United Kingdom
Globalization and child welfare: lessons from a cross-national study of children in out-of-home care
authors: June Thoburn
keywords: children in care, placement policies, outcomes, comparisons, United Kingdom
Current trends in the use of residential child care: the legacy of a ‘last resort’ approach
authors: Ian Milligan
keywords: United Kingdom, siblings, admissions, residential care
Young people leaving public care in the United Kingdom: experiences, outcomes and interventions
authors: Jim Wade
keywords: United Kingdom, young, care
Care and education of difficult adolescents: research conclusions and policy implications
authors: David Berridge
keywords: United Kingdom, children, welfare, care, adolescents, education
Meeting the needs of children without parental care: a contemporary international policy analysis
authors: Jennifer C. Davidson
keywords: United Kingdom
Whole family approaches: responding to and engaging with complex social lives
authors: Harriet Clarke, Nathan Hughes, Kate Morris
keywords: practice, professional, exclusion, family, United Kingdom
Designing with care: Interior design and residential child care
authors: Andrew Kendrick, Catherine Docherty
keywords: United Kingdom, interior design