
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research


Relational assessment and case planning


The purpose of this workshop is to expand further our ethical and theoretical understanding of "relational" pedagogy as a "frame" for case assessment and intervention planning. Relational case assessment and planning is first and foremost about making and maintaining relationships and connections with others. From a relational perspective it is simply insufficient to understand assessment and intervention as a mechanistic process driven by "experts" trained to assess the needs of "clients" and than arrange, coordinate, monitor, evaluate, and advocate for services by following a prescribed yet overlapping set of functions. A relational approach to case assessment and planning intervention places greater emphasis on the practitioner-person relationships, the context within which practice takes place, and on the process of ongoing inquiry. From a relational perspective case assessment and intervention planning is accomplished collaboratively with a focus on mutuality of voice and respect.

Contact details

Dr. Gerard Bellefeuille, Grant MacEwan College, 7319-29th Avenue, Edmonton, T6K2P1, Canada.

Email: bellefeuilleg@macewan.ca

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