Pubblications for keyword: Belgium
Why foster care placements breakdown? A study into the factors influencing foster care placement breakdown in Flanders
authors: Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Sofie Coussens
keywords: Belgium, breakdown, foster care, behavioural problems
Family stress and behavioural problems in kinship and non-kinship foster care. Report of a Flemish study
authors: Frank Van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Charlotte Haarsma
keywords: Belgium, foster care, family, stress, behaviour, problems
Parenting support within Child and Family. Evolution towards more evidence-based services
authors: Benedikte Van den Bruel
Anonymous placement of young victims of violence
authors: Herbert E. Colla, Tanja Corleis, Simon Garbers, Birgit Hein, Anja Jansen, Lea Miczuga
Discerning European perspectives on evidence-based interventions for vulnerable children and their families
authors: Hans Grietens
keywords: Belgium, effectiveness, quality, rights
Contextual practice in residential care: the Cano projects
authors: Hans Grietens
keywords: Belgium, outcome, residential care
Longitudinal research in parenting stress and behavioural problems in foster care
authors: Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Lenny Trogh
keywords: behavioural problems, foster care, parenting stress, Belgium
Background. Although crisis nursery services were developed in the early 1970’s to prevent child welfare placements, assessing the effects of their services for families and children presenting with specific problems has been elusive. The limited studies
authors: Wim De Mey
keywords: Belgium, multi-modal, behavioural problems, early intervention
A creative systematic implementation of “the practice based” theory within the youth care services of the Flemish community
authors: Johan Peeters, Stefaan Van Mulders, Bart Verstraete
Background. In Portugal the awareness of the potential of the delivery of parenting programmes as a promotion, prevention and intervention strategy to improve children well-being is growing, both at governmental and local services levels. The use of paren
authors: Kristien Lacluyse, Hans Grietens, Walter Hellinckx
keywords: Belgium, early intervention, decision-making, instrument