Pubblications for keyword: Effectiveness
Exploring the landscape of ‘evidence-based’ interventions for ‘deep-end’ children and their families: how do we know ‘what works’ and how do we make more of it available?
authors: James K. Whittaker
keywords: evidence-based, multiply-involved children, efficacy, effectiveness, Usa
Goal attainment in youth care in the Netherlands. Effectiveness of needs led care
authors: Marion Welling
keywords: The Netherlands, goal attainment, effectiveness
Crisis intervention for families: The search for effective elements
authors: Channa Al, Geert Jan Stams, Peter van der Laan
keywords: The Netherlands, effectiveness, crisis intervention
Effectiveness of group therapy for sexually abused female adoles-cents: Follow-up six months after treatment
authors: Marc Tourigny, Leechen Farkas
keywords: Canada, effectiveness, adolescents, sexual abuse
Discerning European perspectives on evidence-based interventions for vulnerable children and their families
authors: Hans Grietens
keywords: Belgium, effectiveness, quality, rights
Implementing randomized experiments: an evaluation of multisys-temic therapy in The Netherlands
authors: Willeke Manders, Maja Dekovic, Jessica Asscher
keywords: multisystemic therapy, randomized experiments, implementation, effectiveness, The Netherlands
Interventions for children with multiple needs: severity, effectiveness and costs
authors: Maria Bezze
keywords: Italy, cost analysis, effectiveness, severity
Research design, effectiveness and evidence
authors: Cinzia Canali, Anna Chiara Frigo, Tiziano Vecchiato
keywords: research, effectiveness, evidence, Italy