Pubblications for keyword: Decision Making
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Cross-national comparison of caseworkers’ attitudes towards child welfare issues and their impact in risk assessments and decisions to place a child out-of-home
authors: Mónica López, A. Carien Koopmans and Erik J. Knorth, Cilia Witteman, Rami Benbenishty, Bilhah Davidson-Arad, Jorge F. del Valle, Trevor Spratt, David Hayes and John Devaney
keywords: caseworkers’ attitudes, decision-making, foster care, out-of-home
Background. In Portugal the awareness of the potential of the delivery of parenting programmes as a promotion, prevention and intervention strategy to improve children well-being is growing, both at governmental and local services levels. The use of paren
authors: Kristien Lacluyse, Hans Grietens, Walter Hellinckx
keywords: Belgium, early intervention, decision-making, instrument
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