Pubblications for keyword: Resilience
Proving culture as resilience works: creating the evidence base
authors: Muriel Bamblett, Peter Lewis
keywords: Australia, indigenous, culture, resilience, evidence-based, research
Evaluating a group support program for kinship foster families: evidence on how to enhance resilience
authors: Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Pere Amorós, Mª Angels Balsells, Mª Cruz Molina, Crescencia Pastor and Ainoa Mateos
keywords: kinship foster care, resilience, parenting support program
Asset-building and the Ontario Looking After Children Project: fostering resilient outcomes in children and youth in out-of-home care
authors: Cynthia Vincent, Shaye Moffat, Marie-Pierre Paquet and Robert J. Flynn
keywords: child welfare, resilience
Resilience in Aboriginal children and adolescents in out-of-home care: a test of an initial explanatory model
authors: Katharine M. Filbert and Robert J. Flynn
keywords: foster care, youth, Aboriginal, resilience
Children in care: severe troubles or resilience potentials?
authors: Anne-Dorthe Hestbaek, Mette Lausten
keywords: Denmark, adversity, psychopathology, out-of-home, resilience
How to foster resilience: learning from outcomes of survivors life stories to foster development and growth of children out of home
authors: Marco Ius, Paola Milani
keywords: education, resilience, shoah, evaluation, out-of-home, birth family, Italy