Pubblications for keyword: Out Of Home
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Evaluating Family Support Service
authors: Øivin Christiansen, Bente Moldestad
keywords: Norway, out-of-home, family, services, evaluation, empowerment, prevention
Cross-national comparison of caseworkers’ attitudes towards child welfare issues and their impact in risk assessments and decisions to place a child out-of-home
authors: Mónica López, A. Carien Koopmans and Erik J. Knorth, Cilia Witteman, Rami Benbenishty, Bilhah Davidson-Arad, Jorge F. del Valle, Trevor Spratt, David Hayes and John Devaney
keywords: caseworkers’ attitudes, decision-making, foster care, out-of-home
Children in care: severe troubles or resilience potentials?
authors: Anne-Dorthe Hestbaek, Mette Lausten
keywords: Denmark, adversity, psychopathology, out-of-home, resilience
How to foster resilience: learning from outcomes of survivors life stories to foster development and growth of children out of home
authors: Marco Ius, Paola Milani
keywords: education, resilience, shoah, evaluation, out-of-home, birth family, Italy
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