Pubblications for keyword: The Netherlands
Is there a future for residential youth care and treatment? Messages from research
authors: Erik J. Knorth
keywords: The Netherlands, staff, outcomes, research, Residential
Goal attainment in youth care in the Netherlands. Effectiveness of needs led care
authors: Marion Welling
keywords: The Netherlands, goal attainment, effectiveness
Secure residential treatment for juveniles with severe behavioural problems: what about its outcomes?
authors: Annemiek T. Harder, Erik J. Knorth, Margrite E. Kalverboer, Tjalling Zandberg
keywords: The Netherlands, outcomes, secure treatment, residential care
Agreement between foster child and foster parent in the severity of problem behaviour
authors: Johan Strijker, Simon Oijen
keywords: The Netherlands, perception, agreement, foster care
Crisis intervention for families: The search for effective elements
authors: Channa Al, Geert Jan Stams, Peter van der Laan
keywords: The Netherlands, effectiveness, crisis intervention
Supporting legal decision-making in the best interest of the child in Refugee and Asylum law: A model combining psychological and judicial considerations
authors: Margrite Kalverboer, Elianne Zijlstra, Erik J. Knorth
keywords: The Netherlands
Evidence based practice: the new idol?
authors: Hubert M. Pijnenburg, Jan Willem Veerman
keywords: The Netherlands, treatment
Strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of services for troubled children and their families: experiences of youth care in Drenthe
authors: Mariska van der Steege, Carolien Konijn
keywords: The Netherlands, evidence-based, practice, practice-based, evidence, interventions
Long-term effectiveness of the parenting support program Home-Start
authors: Anna H. Rutgers, Peter J. Hoffenaar, Jessica J. Asscher, Maja Deković and Jo M. A. Hermanns
keywords: The Netherlands, Social support, Home-Start, home-visiting