
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research


Ontario Practice Model


Ontario developed a comprehensive 'Ontario Child Welfare Transformation Agenda' in 2006 to advance improved services for children and families. A key element of this agenda is in the area of expanding and strengthening family based permanency options for children and youth.


Policy and program developments have been guided by the goal of improving outcomes for children by placing a stronger emphasis on assessing the child's needs, planning and evaluating the ability, willingness and readiness of families to meet those needs. To that end, Ontario has integrated three models, Looking After Children, SAFE (Structured Analysis Family Evaluation) and PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) into the 'Ontario Practice Model: Resource Family Assessment, Preparation and Ongoing Development'. Improving placement stability underpins this approach.


The key values of Looking After Children have been incorporated into the PRIDE pre-service program so that only those applicant families who understand the impact of positive, day to day experiences on children and believe in 'resiliency' are approved to provide care. The Ontario Practice Model is also being implemented in the private adoption and group care sectors, thus creating a province wide system of standards of preparation of families and care for children. This workshop will provide an overview of the model, which is unique in the world.


Contact details Patricia Gamble, Manager of Learning Resources Development, Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Canada.
Email: pgamble@oacas.org


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