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2009 Issue 4

Issue 4

journal cover
Cover article

This is issue is devoted to the Conference Care Matters: Transforming Lives - Improving Outcomes Conference, incorporating the 8th International Looking After Children Conference (7-9 July 2008, Keble College, Oxford UK)

Addressing Education and Mental Health Needs


Care and education of difficult adolescents: research conclusions and policy implications

authors: David Berridge. Presented by Cherilyn Dance

Emotional and behavioural problems and outcomes for adolescents on the edge of care

authors: Nina Biehal

Developing an arts strategy for looked after children and young people in County Durham

authors: Meg Boustead

Design and recruitment phase of a randomized controlled trial to improve the educational outcomes of young people in out-of-home care

authors: Robert J. Flynn, Marie-Pierre Paquet, and Robyn Marquis

Very young children in need or at risk of significant harm: issues affecting parenting capacity

authors: Rebecca Brown, Emily R. Munro and Harriet Ward

Reaching higher for young people looked after– the ‘Stepping Stones’ programme of Aimhigher, Leeds

authors: Ken Campbell

Use of neurobiological measures in research involving foster children

authors: Philip A. Fisher

‘How to Go Higher’ - the value of a training and support programme promoting Higher Education to staff working with young people in care and care leavers

authors: Glyn Hibberd

Comparing costs of multidimensional treatment foster care with those of other placements

authors: Lisa Holmes and David Westlake

Yippee - retaining young people from care in post compulsory education: a five country study

authors: Sonia Jackson and Claire Cameron

Extension of the Cost Calculator for Children’s Services to include cost calculations for health and mental health: implementation in Cheshire County Council’s Children’s Services

authors: Anna Jones

Emergent literacy and childhood literacy-promoting activities for children in the Ontario child welfare system

authors: Shaye Moffat and Cynthia C. Vincent

Residential care and substance misuse: exploring the relationship

authors: Michael Murphy and Sarah Ingram

Maltreated children’s mental health: a global approach for designing specific programs at the Centre Jeunesse de Québec – Institut Universitaire (“CJQ-IU”)

authors: Danielle Nadeau

Risks, needs, strengths, and outcomes in child protection: what we know about the children we serve

authors: Michael O’Brien

The outcomes of the “Way Ahead” project in Leicestershire

authors: Angela O’Sullivan and Jane Millward

What can the UCAS ‘tick box’ tell us about the progression of applicants who have been in care?

authors: Joanna Papageorgiou

Reading with children: enhancing outcomes, being ‘special’ and personal meanings

authors: Janet Seden

Patterns of illness and health service use in families where children go into public care

authors: Doug Simkiss

The Leicester City Council experience: looked after children’s participation and achievement in education

authors: Andy Smith

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