
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research

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2008 Issue 1

Issue 1

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Cover article

This issue is devoted to the international conference on outcome based evaluation on child and family services held in Padova (Italy) in 2008.


Problems such as child maltreatment, abuse, delinquent behaviour, social exclusion, problematic behaviours, deprivation and many others should be addressed. In the real world, on these topics, there are more problems than solutions, even if many people and different organizations have been dealing with researches on these themes for many years. For the conference, we chose to focus on the point of view of the children and parents in difficulty, living everyday in the conditions listed above. How could we do this? We considered these network an occasion for exchanging visions. 





Exploring the landscape of ‘evidence-based’ interventions for ‘deep-end’ children and their families: how do we know ‘what works’ and how do we make more of it available?

authors: James K. Whittaker

Services for difficult children and youth: innovations and evaluations

authors: Augusto Palmonari

Emotional well-being and mental health of looked after children in the UK

authors: Colette McAuley

Discerning European perspectives on evidence-based interventions for vulnerable children and their families

authors: Hans Grietens

Mental health disorders of youth in foster care and foster care alumni in the United States

authors: Peter J. Pecora

Is there a future for residential youth care and treatment? Messages from research

authors: Erik J. Knorth

Globalization and child welfare: lessons from a cross-national study of children in out-of-home care

authors: June Thoburn

Moving from a general to a personalised model for the evaluation of outcomes: Perspectives from international research

authors: Tiziano Vecchiato

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