
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research


Try again, Sam


Background. Compulsory school is the only place where it's possible to meet all the under age people of the territory, becoming therefore the ideal range to analyse different and individual needs. An observatory which offers either the opportunity to look after trouble expressions at various levels, or conditions which allow to keep an ease situation.

Method. The project, operating in every district of the town, has got the aim to insert services at different levels, in order to promote interventions inside and outside the school and to prevent the scholastic dispersion:

  • First level: it stipulates an agreement among USR (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale - Region School Office) and USP (Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale - Province School Office), Town Hall of Turin, San Paolo Bank Company, Voluntary Associations,
  • Second level: it is set up by the operating team: the co-ordinator of S. Paolo Bank, professionals from the educational and social care sector of the City of Turin, educators and professionals from different agencies, volunteers of involved associations, school teachers,
  • Third level: students, families, town district social service, the whole group of teachers, the widest target of public district services and the third sector.

To whom it's concerned

Primary prevention Primary and secondary schools: pupils from 10 to 14 years old who risk scholastic dispersion because of integration and relationship difficulties

Discouraged by the social and family environment

With inadequate learning rates

With deep basic cultural lack

With passive or aggressive behaviours


Secondary prevention: Boys and girls who have no secondary school licence

Plural rejected students, with serious school placement troubles;

Students who have left the secondary school;

Rejected from school;

Immigrants in difficulty

Two manners:

CTP Permanent Territorial Centre from 15 to 18 years old

Integrated guardianship from 14 to 15 years old



Helping in the school placement

Making easy the relationship with extra-school

Building in every school a system to assure the social support

Obtaining the secondary school licence

Encouraging the social integration

Projecting the following step after "Sam"

Testing intervention models with innovative didactic systems in cooperation with secondary school and CTP, to comply with the new obligation school system




School: provides structures to look after each pupil with a personalized way

Town: gives information, consultancy and co-ordinates all the project phases


School: supplies with teachers

Town: Permanent Territorial Centre (CTP) structures, T.I. laboratories for integration activities, opportunities for free time, orientation and co-ordination

Associations look after the pupils during their school course and their external cultural and social integration activities.


San Paolo Company takes part to the financial contribute to Associations and keeps watch over the project. It also distinguishes among boys and girls the winners of some working grants

Intervention phases

Watching out: to single high dispersion risk pupils

Intervention: personalized ways with school and extra school activities. Volunteers for 15hours/week organize assisted study, create opportunities of positive situations with the surroundings of each student

Evaluation: behaviours changes and obtained results for each student are evaluated and compared by teachers and operators.


Helping in expressing interests and attitudes

Analysing competences levels and own abilities.

Forming agreement: individual school way definition and integrative activities by mutual obligation with teachers and social operators.

Orientation: by the contribution of School and Professional Orientation Centre of the City of Turin. Supporting to the reaching of professional forming or high school education


Educators, Volunteers and Teachers together

"I listen to you": strategies to cope with arrogant young people

"I listen to you": experimental way about equal opportunities.

"Sipro Mathematics"

"Functional alphabet"

 "Specific learning diseases: Dislessia"


The secondary prevention project has been working for 19 years; the primary prevention project for 7 years.

External evaluation ways have been tested thanks to the cooperation with the Association "Prova (Try)", which has elaborated a quality evaluation process, by verifying the effectiveness of interventions regarding to the relationship and learning difficulties of the students followed, also considering the motivation aspects.

At present a mixed system is going to be studied, in order to allow either the providers or the users, to evaluate together the quality of the intervention.

School year 2006/2007 - data


Under age students individually involved:




For the primary prevention


Schools involved



For the secondary prevention*










Town areas involved:





2 central ones + 10 districts





Social professionals


* whose 277 licensed

At present the intervention needs several ways to reach its goals:

  • periodically meetings of teachers, association operators, professionals from the educational and social care sector of the City of Turin,
  • students' progress notice cards,
  • students' forms,
  • school teachers' reports,
  • professionals main team's evaluations,
  • focus group to analyse the contents of information obtained, in order to find solutions,
  • symposia.

The forms are filled by teachers and association professionals, (after the first meeting where the single situations are pointed out). They consist of the student's difficulties list and the goals to be reached. There are two check steps: an intermediate one and a final one, where both of the professionals groups write results and evaluations. These reports are sent to the main professionals team, which has to make a comprehensive evaluation, comparatively with the town dates. The teachers must relate about the intervention effects on the class group they look after. The students are encouraged to fill a simple and anonymous form, in order to evaluate their opinions and satisfaction degree about the project. In a 5th primary school class, the parents had to fill the form with the points of view of their children. All these reports are collected and published in yearly issues by the main professionals working group; each issue regards to a specific matter. The final report has always been submitted to the yearly town meeting, where Professionals from educational, school and social care sectors are invited to express their opinions about possible (when necessary) improvements for the next school year.

Contacts: Fantini Silvana, Comune di Torino, Compagnia San Paolo, Fondazione per la scuola, Via Bazzi 4 10152 Torino, anna.cornacchia@comune.torino.it Phone 011

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