Family drug and alcohol court: parental substance misuse – the problems
- issue: Issue 1 / 2010
- authors: Anthony Nagle
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Parental alcohol and/or drug misuse causes major problems for the children concerned and society as a whole. Outcomes for such children are frequently poor, including emotional and behavioural difficulties, anti-social behaviour and poor educational attainment.
The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) is based on a model now being widely used across the USA, which is an exciting way of trying to break the destructive cycle of substance misuse. The FDAC has been operational at the Inner London Family Proceedings Court at Wells Street since January 2008. This being delivered by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Coram. The Court will run for three years dealing with cases brought by Camden, Islington and Westminster.
Early findings suggest that this model is successful in getting parents to engage with and stay in substance misuse services leading to more children being able to return home. Parents will have to demonstrate that they want to stop misusing drugs and/or alcohol and that they are motivated to start treatment. The model is of a specialist court (The Inner London Family Proceedings Court in Wells Street) operating within the framework of care proceedings. Parents randomly selected to enter into the programme can decide whether or not they wish to take part and specialist judges play an important role in encouraging and motivating the parents to engage with services and in reviewing their progress.
Key features
- The same District Judges will deal with the cases.
- A specialist team attached to the Court with all agencies represented (social care, substance misuse, housing, health, education, domestic violence and mental health services).
- Frequent court hearings to review progress on a regular basis.
- Agencies and court able to work with parent/s within framework of care proceedings - child protected throughout.
- Involvement and support from parent mentors.
- Expectation: better outcomes for children in terms of enhanced prospects of rehabilitation or earlier placement outside family in the event of failure.
- FDAC will ensure that parents who really want to change will get the timely help they need.
- Greater engagement and retention of parents in treatment.
- More timely decision-making for the most vulnerable children.
- Better outcomes for children reducing the cost of funding expensive placements for children who exhibit challenging behaviour.
· Fewer lengthy court proceedings.
· Fewer requests for expert assessments.
- Increased cross-borough co-operation and commissioning.
- The research will be undertaken by Brunel University.
Green, B.L, Furrer, C., Worcel, S., Burrus, S. and Finigan, M.W. (2007) 'How effective are Family Treatment Drug Courts? Outcomes from a Four-Site National Study.' Child Maltreatment 12: 43-59
Harwin, J. and Ryan, M. (2007) 'The Role of the Court in Cases Concerning Parental substance Misuse and Children at Risk of Harm.'
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 29, 3, 277-292
Contact details
For more information, please contact Sophie Kershaw, Service Manager, Family Drug and Alcohol Court Team, Coram Campus, Gregory House, 49 Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2QA, UK.
Tel: 0044 207 278 5708
Fax: 0044 207 278 4763