The programme for Social Adoption in Naples and Campania Regione
- issue: Issue 3 / 2008
- authors: Giuseppe Cirillo, Carmela Di Maio, Dora Artiaco, Paolo Siani
- keywords: Italy, Naples, risk, support, adoption
- views: 3883
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Background. This contribution presents an early parenting support program usually provided at birth; it involves the early recognition of families' social and health difficulties and the joint intervention of social and health professionals.
Purpose. This paper aims to present the program which has been applied since 1995 in the Campania Region (birth rate 11.7% out of 1000 inhabitants, the highest in Italy) and which actually represents the parenting support' matrix program for families at risk or with difficulties at their child's birth.
The target population is composed of new families at their first child's birth (60.377 new born babies in 2005, the 45,4% of which were elder children; 27.411 children and almost the same number of families, the 7,2% of which had the mother with a low educational status - <0=primary school certificate).
Agencies involved are: local authorities, health department, third sector, universities, schools.
The aim of this program is to early support parents, highlighting the importance of mother-child relationships, developing parenting responsibilities, promoting the child and his family's health conditions since his/her birth.
It implies the provision of knowledge, favouring the emerging of natural knowledge, supporting parents, helping them when more need is required, in determining the best conditions to reach wellbeing.
The following figure describe the programme model (including the fundamental procedures).
Key findings. Quantitative. Annual analysis of the social and health health conditions of 5.000 new families, risk evaluation and new supportive programs for 5% of them.
Qualitative. Definition of an early integrated supportive model for families with social and health difficulties. Further adaptation of the model to the whole Region through the three-year European regional program aimed at supporting children's families living in areas with a developing gap (DGR n. 2063, 13/12/2006).
Implications and recommendations.
Politicy. Experimental planning involving good results must develop in adequate time in stable and agreed programs. Integrated programs need agreements, cooperative protocols, and integrated decisions which agree not only with the general guidelines but also with organizational models and methods.
Professionals. As regards the complexity of family problems, attention must be paid to the multidimensional needs which only training and integrated work can afford. Early and continuous family support are critical to the effectiveness of interventions.
Research. Knowledge about family problems at their new child's birth as well as before this event represents one of the aims of research and strategical monitoring to prevent and promote healthy life style.
Tab. 1 - Risk indicators at birth in Naples (tot. 5.101 - year 2006)
Risk indicators |
% |
Mother school level (< or = primary school) |
11,4 |
Young mother (<20 year) |
4,4 |
Poor housing and / or co-housing |
68,7 |
Low weight at birth (< 2.500 gr) |
6,9 |
Immigrant parent |
4,1 |
Single parent family |
10,5 |
Parent with chronic illness |
7 |
Drug or alcool addiction of parents |
1,7 |
Key references
Hendrick, D. et al. (200). Does home visiting improve parenting and the quality of home environment? A systematic review and metanalysis. Arch. Dis. Child., 82, 443.
Ciotti, F. (2001). Il sostegno domiciliare come fattore protettivo, Quaderni ACP 8(2).
Capotorti F., Siglienti L., Battaini A., Di Tullio F., Rosenholtz E., Vecerova S., Molinari G., Carelli E., Foderini N., & Sabbatini P. (1987). La valutazione dell'ambiente familiare negli studi longitudinali di sviluppo infantile. Medico e Bambino 9, 16-23).
Contacts: Giuseppe Cirillo, Dipartimento Socio-Sanitario ASL Na1, via Chiatamone 33, 80143 Napoli, E-mail:, Phone 081 2547049-50.