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2009 Issue 3

Issue 3

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Cover article

This is issue is devoted to the Conference Care Matters: Transforming Lives - Improving Outcomes Conference, incorporating the 8th International Looking After Children Conference (7-9 July 2008, Keble College, Oxford UK)

Identifying Issues and Improving Stability


Working at the 'edges of care’? European models of support for young people and families

authors: Janet Boddy

Late outcomes for siblings reared in long-term placement in Children’s Villages

authors: Annick-Camille Dumaret, M. Constantin-Kuntz, P. Donati, and M, Crost

Enhancing placement stability via a continuum of care approach: reflections from the Australian context

authors: Deirdre Cheers and Stephen Mondy

European policy and practice initiatives to improve outcomes for children in care

authors: Paul Durning

Outcomes and stability in placements with kin compared with stranger foster care

authors: Elaine Farmer

The challenge of growing up in care: a longitudinal study of outcomes

authors: Elizabeth Fernandez

Resilience in Aboriginal children and adolescents in out-of-home care: a test of an initial explanatory model

authors: Katharine M. Filbert and Robert J. Flynn

Ontario Practice Model

authors: Patricia Gamble

Adoption as an alternative to long-term fostering

authors: Turid Vogt Grinde

Sharing the care? Birth parents’ perception of foster care placements

authors: Ingrid Höjer

Tracking Footprints - improving out-of-home care services through research: Former SOS children reflect on their experiences

authors: Claudia Mödlagl

Better futures? Experience and outcomes of children and young people in residential care

authors: Andrew Kendrick

The relationship between foster parent training and outcomes of looked after children in Canada

authors: Jordanna J. Nash and Robert J. Flynn

Mapping the impact of children’s advocacy services

authors: Andrew Pithouse

Stability and wellbeing in care: what makes the difference?

authors: Ian Sinclair

Children's needs, types and costs of placements and their stability: comparisons using the Cost Calculator for Children's Services

authors: Jean Soper and Lisa Holmes

What are the training needs of foster carers who look after unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people?

authors: Hannah Stott

Better outcomes for children - is that an unquestioning goal? Some news from the Russian family placements battlefield

authors: Maria Ternovskaya

Issues in kinship care: assessment and support in Dutch kinship foster care

authors: Anneke J.G. Vinke

Developments in adoption and foster care practice in the Netherlands

authors: Anneke J.G. Vinke

Preparation and transition planning for unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people: a review of existing evidence in England

authors: Jim Wade

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