Ejournal Issues
2010 Issue 2
Issue 2
Cover article
This issue is devoted to the Conference Care Matters: Transforming Lives – Improving Outcomes Conference, incorporating the 8th International Looking After Children Conference (7-9 July 2008, Keble College, Oxford UK)
Leaving state residential Care in Bucharest: what supports and hinders the transition
authors: Roxana Anghel
Aftercare in a Norwegian context
authors: Elisabeth Backe-Hansen
Formative and Summative Evaluation of a Program to Facilitate Transition from Care in Israel
authors: Rami Benbenishty, Anat Zeira, and Alexandra Magnus
Improving transitions to adulthood of young people leaving care in Romania
authors: Gabriela Dima, Dr. Caroline Skehill
Transition to adulthood for young Swedish care leavers
authors: Ingrid Höjer and Yvonne Sjöblom
Transitioning out of residential care in Jordan: pathways and outcomes. Emerging findings and recommendations from a doctoral research study in progress
authors: Rawan W. Ibrahim. Supervisors: Dr. Jonathan Dickens, Prof. David Howe
Pregnant pathways
authors: Bruce Leslie
Identity exploration in emerging adulthood: how does it apply to at-risk youths?
authors: Julie Marcotte
State care as a pathway to homelessness: implications for the transition to adulthood
authors: Paula Mayock and Nicola Carr
A structural analysis of young people leaving state care in Victoria, Australia
authors: Philip Mendes and Badal Moslehuddin
Transition to adulthood: the Equip program
authors: Véronique Noël, Martin Goyette, Marie-Noële Royer and Geneviève Chénier
How do the child welfare services in Norway work with young people leaving care?
authors: Inger Oterholm
Building a future together: issues and outcomes for transition aged youth
authors: Carrie Reid and Peter Dudding
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger": the self-reliant identity as resilience and risk among young adults aging out of foster care
authors: Gina Miranda Samuels
New transitions to employment – a biographical approach to forms of cooperation between rearing support services and employment promotion agents
authors: Wolfgang Schröer, . Stefan Köngeter, Maren Zeller
Islington Career Start: how Islington’s employment scheme has improved the transitions to adulthood for looked after young people and care leavers
authors: Nikki Smith
The transition to adulthood for young people leaving public care: international comparisons and perspectives
authors: Mike Stein and Emily R. Munro
Exit from care - developing a perspective
authors: Jan Storø