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2008 Issue 2

Issue 2

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Cover article

This issue is devoted to the international conference on outcome based evaluation on child and family services held in Padova (Italy) in 2008.

Findings from research  and practice

Problems such as child maltreatment, abuse, delinquent behaviour, social exclusion, problematic behaviours, deprivation and many others should be addressed. In the real world, on these topics, there are more problems than solutions, even if many people and different organizations have been dealing with researches on these themes for many years. For the conference, we chose to focus on the point of view of the children and parents in difficulty, living everyday in the conditions listed above. How could we do this? We considered these network an occasion for exchanging visions. 



Finding a path to the evidence: A research strategy for a therapeutic program

authors: Margarita Frederico, Annette Jackson, Carly Black

High-conflict parental divorce: children’s experiences

authors: Per Arne Rǿd

Adapting, manualizing and evaluating an evidence based CBT Group of intervention for youth with depressive symptoms for delivery in school-based settings

authors: Mary C. Ruffolo, Daniel Fischer, Sarah Fraley, Kristy Postlewaite, Shannon Hill, Dave Neal

Evaluation of the outcomes of secure accommodation in Scotland

authors: Andrew Kendrick, Moira Walker, Aileen Barclay and Lynne Hunter

Barrier to treatment in Shenzhen, China: a qualitative study on the experiences of Chinese families facing eating disorders

authors: Joyce L.C. Ma, Xu Wen Yan, Chen Xiangyi

Outcomes assessment in residential care: a long term evaluation

authors: Jorge F. Del Valle, Amaia Bravo

Parenting support within Child and Family. Evolution towards more evidence-based services

authors: Benedikte Van den Bruel

The reluctant role of the Federal Government in Child Welfare in the United States

authors: John Sciamanna

Reforming Child Protection Systems: policy considerations from an Australian perspective

authors: Robyn Miller, Chris Asquini

Contextual practice in residential care: the Cano projects

authors: Hans Grietens

Working with the family-context of young people in residential care

authors: Esther M.W. Geurts, Erik J. Knorth, Marc J. Noom

Changing directions for challenging children and their families

authors: Wendy Rose, Jane Aldgate

Family reunification of adolescents placed in foster care: intervention and research perspectives

authors: Marie-Claude Simard

Longitudinal research in parenting stress and behavioural problems in foster care

authors: Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Lenny Trogh

Agreement between foster child and foster parent in the severity of problem behaviour

authors: Johan Strijker, Simon Oijen

The US adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system and cross-national research on foster care

authors: Robin Spath

First results from the translation, implementation and researching of the Webster-Stratton incredible years (iy) basic parenting programme in Portugal

authors: Maria Filomena Gaspar, Maria João Seabra-Santos

Background. In Portugal the awareness of the potential of the delivery of parenting programmes as a promotion, prevention and intervention strategy to improve children well-being is growing, both at governmental and local services levels. The use of paren

authors: Kristien Lacluyse, Hans Grietens, Walter Hellinckx

Long-term effectiveness of the parenting support program Home-Start

authors: Anna H. Rutgers, Peter J. Hoffenaar, Jessica J. Asscher, Maja Deković and Jo M. A. Hermanns

Working with parents of troubled and troublesome young people at risk of care

authors: Nina Biehal

Mapping the impact of children’s advocacy services

authors: Andrew Pithouse

Foster care and sense of belonging: the voices of the children of the foster families

authors: Barbara Ongari

How do children fare in care: a longitudinal study of outcomes

authors: Elizabeth Fernandez

Pluridisabled child and his/her family in care. Autobiographical accounts of families about quality of social and health services and participated construction of an early care model

authors: Roberta Caldin, Paola Milani, Simone Visentin

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