Ejournal Issues
2009 Issue 1
Issue 1
Cover article
This issue is devoted to the international conference on outcome based evaluation on child and family services held in Padova (Italy) in 2008.
Problems such as child maltreatment, abuse, delinquent behaviour, social exclusion, problematic behaviours, deprivation and many others should be addressed. In the real world, on these topics, there are more problems than solutions, even if many people and different organizations have been dealing with researches on these themes for many years. For the conference, we chose to focus on the point of view of the children and parents in difficulty, living everyday in the conditions listed above. How could we do this? We considered these network an occasion for exchanging visions.
Key elements of effective practice in supporting parents in vulnerable families: what the international evidence tells us
authors: Deborah Ghate
Valuing Young Parents – Collaborative practice in working with teenage parents in outer Western Sydney in an early intervention and prevention model
authors: Karen van Woudenberg, Louisa McKay
A way of conducting groups of parents: which work? An overview of practices in France and Italy
authors: Anne-Marie Doucet-Dahlgren, Veronique Francis, Chiara Sità, Livia Cadei
Community-based child abuse prevention: Outcomes associated with a differential response program in California
authors: Amy Conley, Jill Duerr Berrick
Engaging birth parents in child welfare services: promising practices and policy opportunities
authors: Susan P. Kemp, Maureen O. Marcenko, William Vesneski
Family stress and behavioural problems in kinship and non-kinship foster care. Report of a Flemish study
authors: Frank Van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Charlotte Haarsma
Whole family approaches: responding to and engaging with complex social lives
authors: Harriet Clarke, Nathan Hughes, Kate Morris
Family group conferences and the improvement of family centred decision making
authors: Peter Marsh
Parent management training of foster parents: development, user evaluation and RCT
authors: Reidar Jakobsen
Cross national implementation of the Homebuilders® Model: Experiences, challenges and outcomes
authors: Shelley Leavitt, Charlotte Booth
Comparing costs in evaluating services for severely troubled children and youth in care
authors: Lisa Holmes, Harriet Ward
Traumatised children’s view of their social world: the application of the Social Network Map for children who have experienced abuse and neglect
authors: Annette Jackson, Margarita Frederico, Carly Black, Jane Harrison, Trish McCluskey
Evaluation of child parent treatment centres in Israel
authors: Dori Rivkin
Do ethnic minorities get second best solutions? A comparison of children in care in 2005
authors: Mette Lausten, Tine Egelund
Te Aho Takitoru – An indigenous social work framework
authors: Takiri Cotterill, Frank Rosandich, Joanne Rosandich
Anonymous placement of young victims of violence
authors: Herbert E. Colla, Tanja Corleis, Simon Garbers, Birgit Hein, Anja Jansen, Lea Miczuga
Ritual and physical exercising in the treatment of traumatized bereaved children in the context of political violence
authors: Vered Slonim-Nevo, Itzhak Lander
Supporting legal decision-making in the best interest of the child in Refugee and Asylum law: A model combining psychological and judicial considerations
authors: Margrite Kalverboer, Elianne Zijlstra, Erik J. Knorth
Club Amigas: an effective response to the needs of adolescent latinas
authors: Sandra G. Turner, Carol P. Kaplan and Chaya Piotrkowski
Acculturation and school achievement of refugee children: a case study
authors: Betty Goguikian Ratcliff
Evidence based practice: the new idol?
authors: Hubert M. Pijnenburg, Jan Willem Veerman
Background. Almost 25% of the Swiss population have a foreign origin; 85% of these migrant populations have an European origin (Former-Yougoslavia, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Spain), even though the proportion of non-western populations has grown during the
authors: Lena Robinson
Issues on present and future of kinship foster care
authors: Carme Monserrat Boada
Evaluating Family Support Service
authors: Øivin Christiansen, Bente Moldestad
Strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of services for troubled children and their families: experiences of youth care in Amsterdam
authors: Ellen Schulze, Theo Schut
Strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of services for troubled children and their families: experiences of youth care in Drenthe
authors: Mariska van der Steege, Carolien Konijn
A creative systematic implementation of “the practice based” theory within the youth care services of the Flemish community
authors: Johan Peeters, Stefaan Van Mulders, Bart Verstraete
Getting it right for every child - a national approach to enhancing services to vulnerable children and youth in the context of improving outcomes for all children in Scotland
authors: Jane Aldgate, Wendy Rose
Research informed practice? Making a difference?
authors: Margaret McKenzie
Care and education of difficult adolescents: research conclusions and policy implications
authors: David Berridge
Italian and Australian evaluation experience: Building evidence through effective collaboration
authors: Patricia McNamara, Elisabetta Neve
Reflection on professional helping quality
authors: Trijntje Roggen
Research design, effectiveness and evidence
authors: Cinzia Canali, Anna Chiara Frigo, Tiziano Vecchiato
Gifts between family support workers and families: an unacknowledged topic
authors: Bernadette Tillard
Experienced practitioner views of good practice and optimal services for challenging youth
authors: Lloyd Owen
Myths and realities in working with children affected by autism spectrum disorders in residential care
authors: Irene Stevens
The use of action based research to initiate the development of culture change in service delivery to families in crisis and those requiring early intervention
authors: Merle Davies
Patterns of services for maltreated children: an eight year follow-up of english children suffering significant harm
authors: Marian Brandon, June Thoburn
Particularities of building institutional services for Hiv/Aids suffering children in South-Easthern Asia
authors: Ondrej Botek, Nada Kovalčíková
Aboriginal children’s wellbeing and the role of culture: outcomes of an Australian research project into measurements and assessment tools for Aboriginal and Islander children
authors: Jane Harrison, Annette Jackson, Margarita Frederico, Peter Lewis, Sue Anne Hunter
Development and experimentation of a programme, Family Project, for neglectful families: Lessons from research and practice
authors: Michèle Brousseau, Madeleine Beaudry, Marie Simard
Proving culture as resilience works: creating the evidence base
authors: Muriel Bamblett, Peter Lewis
An ecosystemic psychodynamic intervention for children with mild psychosocial problems and academic difficulties: prospects and limits of the evaluation process
authors: Elias E. Kourkoutas
Residential treatment, perceptions and experiences of young people admitted to a remedial treatment centre for young people with mild intellectual disabilities
authors: Xavier M.H. Moonen
Effectiveness of an intervention program focusing on the adoption of abused or neglected children: An outcome study
authors: Genevieve Pagé, Michel Carignan, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Sylvie Normandeau
Institutional routines as social training: Strategies in therapeutic residential care to normalize and re-integrate vulnerable children
authors: Tine Egelund, Turf Böcker Jakobsen
How to foster resilience: learning from outcomes of survivors life stories to foster development and growth of children out of home
authors: Marco Ius, Paola Milani
Children in care: severe troubles or resilience potentials?
authors: Anne-Dorthe Hestbaek, Mette Lausten
Listening to children: a journey through their well being, problems and needs
authors: Roberto Maurizio, Giorgia Salvadori
Young people leaving public care in the United Kingdom: experiences, outcomes and interventions
authors: Jim Wade
Working with the operators to cure deprived adolescents. The relations network clinical setting as an effectual therapeutical means working in complex psycho-social environments
authors: Francesca Codignola, Lucina Bergamaschi, Clorinda Da Pian, Teres
A psycho-educational treatment project for ill-treated and/or abused adolescents
authors: Angela Gesuè, Marilena Balatti, Orietta Bardi, Laura Carrà
The knowledge of educators’ intra-psychic dynamics like protective factors in educative intervention about children who are/live in residential care
authors: Alessandro Taurino, Paola Bastianoni, Licia Barrocu
The efficacy evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of the intervention towards troubled youth and its families: OIKOS Service
authors: Gian Piero Turchi, Angelo Mussoni, Elisa Michielin, Luisa Betto, Andrea Perno, Mara Rachela Scampoli
The educational support for parents of disabled students in a social integration: the experience of MIDA (a model for social integration of disabled students in a business organization)
authors: Roberta Caldin, Maria Rosa Cavalluzzo
Context. The integrated project between professional education and higher education was born to give greater support to disabled students enrolled in schools. This project also developed competencies for working and social integration of the involved peop
authors: Gianna Berligerio, Mario Chimenti, Carlo Hanau, Daniela Mariani Cerati, Nicola Panocchia
Paideia’s recreational activities: Evaluating informal experiences in bringing families together
authors: Fabrizio Serra, Federica Liscio
Counseling as support for families with deaf children
authors: Mariselda Tessarolo
Disabled people: levels of care/citizenship and types of care
authors: Ingrid Berto
Bottom-up Integration: a partnership between the Juvenile Offenders Unit of Offertasociale Community and the Regional Center for Juvenile Justice of the Ministry of Justice
authors: Elena Giudice
To link together personalization and efficacy working in justice
authors: Marilena Sinigaglia, Monia De Paoli
“Essere al mondo, mettere al mondo: una rete cha accoglie”: a network project to support families that are experiencing the parental status
authors: Maria Ferrante, Cristina Marchesini, Barbara Fava
Personalized plans considering both the needs of the person and the family. Results from a research with 15 families with children, and with multiple-problems
authors: Gianmaria Gioga, Monica Pivetti
Access regulation to human services. Recommendations on method and contents
authors: Elena Innocenti